European Comission: EU SIGN
DigitalSign is very proud to be the provider of Qualified Digital Certificates for employees of the European Commission and European Agencies and to support the development and integration of the EU Sign platform, which is proving to be a very useful tool.
We welcome the Initiative of the European Commission, which through this portal allows european institutions, agencies and bodies to digitise their workflows, moving to a paperless administration.
In the video below published by the EC, it can be verified that the use of qualified electronic signature, has ensured a simple and secure experience for signing electronic documents online and thus dramatically accelerating processes in this body as a result of the secure integration of DigitalSign and EC systems.
Do you still sign paper documents?
Contact our commercial team to find out how we can help to end the use of paper in your organization.
DigitalSign thanks the EC's the continuous trust in our services.
Watch the video here.