DigitalSign | Jornal de Negócios
At a time when the digital is the "new normal", DigitalSign was subject of an article of Jornal de Negócios with the theme: “Digital documents increase the need for security”.
When the country began the confinement in March 2020, nobody knew for sure that after 13 months, teleworking would continue to be a reality for thousands of companies. Recently, DigitalSign has been in evidence for supporting several organizations (governments, public and private companies) across Europe in this global response to covid-19, in which remote work became a fundamental part of this new normal, through its secure process dematerialization solutions, in particular the SigningDesk signature platform.
During this interview, in addition to the launch of this platform, several topics were addressed, namely the electronic invoicing and the use of Qualified Electronic Seals for signing invoices, thus allowing its recipient to check online and free of charge that it has not been altered or that it is not a fraudulent scheme. Besides providing increased security and an easier use of qualified digital certificates, DigitalSign’s also benefits the companies through its technology, allowing still a strong cost reduction with paper elimination.
DigitalSign welcomes the publication of this interview, serving as an incentive to continue the hard work at supporting our customers to quickly and safely adapt to these new challenges of remote work.
Access the complete article at the following link: