Banking & Finance & Insurance
Human Resources
Legal Departments & Consultancy
Academic Institutions and Universities
Electronic Invoicing in Public AdministrationElectronic invoicing presents several benefits to your business:
- Reduces costs
- Facilitates automation
- Shortens payment cycles
- Improves account reconciliation
- Enhances compliance
- Prevents errors, losses and frauds
- Improves supplier/customer relationships
- Reduces carbon footprint
Electronic invoicing is now mandatory for public administration according to the Portuguese Public Contracts Code.
However, in order to comply with the legal requirements imposed by the Portuguese Decree-Law No. 28/2019, the taxable person must ensure the authenticity and integrity of the electronic invoice.
The easiest way to ensure the fulfillment of this requirement is by using a qualified electronic signature or seal, according to the European Regulation No 910/2014 (eIDAS Regulation) – to learn more about this topic, please DOWNLOAD OUR DETAILED WHITE PAPER (PT Only).
Nonetheless, not everyone is familiar with electronic signatures and, in some cases, it’s hard to assess which type of electronic signature/seal is present in a document, if the invoice was sent by the real entity and if the signer corresponds to the taxable person, thus more vulnerable to fraud attempts.
Digitalsign, aware of this scenario, offers a free service of electronic signature validation and seals, which allows the relying parties to receive a report on the signature/seal validation process, in an automated and reliable way. The report is electronically sealed by DigitalSign and guarantees that signatures and seals are generated and validated in compliance with the European Regulation (eIDAS) and the Portuguese Legislation on electronic invoicing.
By using this service, your organization can guarantee all invoices received by your accounting do comply with the legal requirements.
If you want to know more, please contact us
A digital omnichannel customer experience
Offering a fully digital account opening and onboarding process which can be done anywhere, at any time and on any device, has become a competitive advantage. The challenge is to implement an end-to-end digital process, so the customer has no longer to visit personally a branch to sign documents or to present a physical ID document.
This tool allows clients to access financial products and services they need without involving paperwork nor being physically present at a branch to sign documents.
In this post, we list the advantages of electronic signatures for banks. Take a look on how the presence of eSignatures affects possible workflows:
Online Banking (Remote Signature)
- Digital onboarding for opening new bank accounts
- Onboarding for open broker accounts
- Apply for a credit contract
- Corporate transfer requests and other transactions
- Apply for a loan in the merchant environment
- Sign GDPR and other PSD2 related consents
- Sign SEPA mandates
- Wealth management related documents
In person (Biometric Signature)
- Digitalization of client's signature
- Contracts
- Withdrawals
- Cash earnings
- Cashing cheques
- Transfer orders
- Deposits
- Selling/buying foreign currency
- Modifying personal data
Improve your costumer experience: agility, mobility and speed
In the digital age, no one wants to print, sign, scan and send documents to the bank by email, or even, by post mail. This is an inefficient process which causes your potential customers to refrain from initiating a commercial relationship.
With our remote identification technology (you can learn more in this white paper), your costumers can open a bank account in a completely remote way with no need for any printed documentation. At the end of this process the costumer can benefit from our remote signature solution to sign any necessary documentation, such as the account opening contract.
After this user-friendly onboarding process, the costumer can use the remote signature credentials to sign any subsequent documentation or transactions needed in the future.
If you want to know more, please contact us
Electronic signatures has you covered
Streamline your internal process and facilitate the ability to serve your costumers with an intuitive and legal KYC and (or) eSignature Solution, which will allow your business to meet the modern consumer needs – to sign at anytime and anywhere.
Our solutions can be integrated seamlessly into your existing business processes and systems, improving user experience while reducing costs and improving compliance.
Whether we are talking about life insurance where you need to firmly validate the identity of your costumer so they can use a qualified electronic signature afterwards or whether if we are talking about an on-demand insurance coverage, where the value proposition is the convenience and availability at a lower price, then Electronic Signatures can make your costumers life easier with a superior service.
Potentially use cases:
- New policy applications
- Premium payments
- Portfolio products
- Policy cancellation forms
- Change of address forms
- General terms & conditions
- Cancellations
- Premium payments
- Account changes
- Claims
If you want to know more, please contact us
Digitize your HR departments: from hiring to internal workflowsHR administrative tasks are repetitive and time consuming, besides HR departments generate huge amounts of paper, elevating the costs filling, archiving and management of that information.
By adopting our biometric and remote signature technologies you can eliminate the repetitive paper-based processes, give the new hires a first digital and intuitive experience and reinforce your company values contributing to a better environment by keeping the contracts and forms digital since the start.
In this white paper (read more about Biometric Signature here ) you can see how a retail company combined the biometric signature technology with our remote signature solution to end the paper-based processes and with immediate ROI.
What are the typical use cases:
Hiring Processes
- Job offer letters
- New labour contracts
- Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
- Safety policies
- Employee policy documents
- Supplier agreements
HR Management
- Payroll delivery
- Direct deposit
- Authorizations
- Employee communications
- Labour conditions changes
- Holiday permits
- Legal and professional procedures
- Expenses reports
If you want to know more, please contact us
Digitize your B2B and B2C processes
Sales contractsBusiness examples: B2B sales, service businesses
For many businesses, sales contracts are the most frequently signed item—and the most important, which includes multinational enterprise business-to-business sales or even a residential cleaning business. One area where electronic signatures have gained tremendous acceptance is residential real estate transactions.

Vendor/supplier agreementsBusiness examples: retail, consumer or business services
When an agreement is reached, rather than waiting hours or days, you can finalize it within minutes with our signature workflow signatures solution.

New customer formsBusiness examples: health providers, gyms, car rentals
If your customers need to fill out forms or other paperwork to do business with you, electronic signatures can be useful. Not only do you save on paper and printing, but you can also eliminate compliance risks of losing any relevant documentation.
Legal departments and consultancy firms are strained by the increasing of agreements volumes and also an added demand for faster turnaround times. Electronic Signatures enable your business to simplify onboarding of new clients, workflows, accelerate agreement turnaround time, lower risk, and improve governance—all this while reducing costs and maintaining the legal validity of transactions.
By eliminating the bottlenecks created by the need of having a handwritten signature you will give your business more time to focus on what really matters for your clients.
The typical use cases:
- Standard legal agreements
- Shareholders meeting minutes
- NDA’s
- Supplier agreements
If you want to know more, please contact us
Certified Electronic Diploma: More than a paper credentialAllow your students to access an official, portable, and verified electronic version of their accomplishments, unlimited shared and verified.
By adding a security layer, a qualified electronic seal, your university can create a highly secure electronic version of your diploma, accessible anytime and anywhere by your alumni.
The document is digitally certified with a trust service which makes it trusted and readily accepted within the EU. Should the document be altered in any way, the digital signature will inform the recipient that the document can no longer be trusted.
If you want to know more, please contact us
Biometric signature
“DigitalSign has provided us with a digital signature solution that allows us to save time and paper. In addition, this process ensures greater confidentiality and security of documents. It only has advantages ...
And the team that accompanies us is always available to help and resolve any issues that may arise. ”
Susana Gonçalves | Grupo Jerónimo Martins

Signatures Platform Signingdesk

“SigningDesk, is a platform customizable to our needs, allows you to sign digitally from any device. A document can now be signed in minutes, anywhere and anytime.
We believe that SigningDesk will have a great impact internally and in the relationship with our customers, bringing more speed and efficiency, contributing to everyone's satisfaction ...! ”
Rita Bandeira | GRUPO EDP
Qualified Digital Certificates
“WE WTROTE HISTORY TODAY!!! More success stories to follow!”
Apostolos (Tolis) Apladas | Comissão Europeia

Qualified Electronic Seal

“We carried out several campaigns with discounts and vouchers sent via email to our customers and only the sealing of these documents and the obligation to present them digitally, limited the countless attempts by customers to enjoy vouchers to which they were not entitled.”
Diana Alves | Lavandaria do Cabedelo
“We electronically seal all company documents, as we have seen several customers defrauded with false invoices and electronic documents, we do not take chances in our insurance business!”
Ricardo Abreu | Universalis Seguros

“As a law firm we wanted to set an example by sealing all of our company's documents, reducing costs, increasing security and giving confidence to our clients”
Pedro Moreira | SMMM Advogados
“Our company is small, but it issues a lot of invoices and we deal with public and private entities, the definition of an electronic billing format and the security of the electronic seal allowed us to end the paper and we extended the use to all documents that leave the company , reducing costs and speeding up processes. ”
Isabel Ferreira Alves | Loja Avianense

“In the construction and architecture sector, cost and speed reduction is essential, which is why we have adopted the electronic seal on all documents of our company, from letters, electronic invoices, etc.”
Rui Ribeiro | Arquitecto