Current situation
The retail and logistic industries process a huge number of paper-based documents, from employee related documentation to point of sale.
We have a different set of solutions, such as Signingdesk, that process documents without the hassle or delay of paper-based processes, resulting in lower costs, and greater satisfaction by all involved parties: customers, suppliers, employees and other third parties.
The dematerialization of labor contracts and other documents that need to be signed by the employees save uncountable amounts of both paper and time, safeguarding the legal validity of the whole process.
The introduction of electronic signature in ordering and shipping processes reduces processing times, quickly resolving problems and provides additional security in legal terms.
Easy Configurable Options.
DigitalSign helps retailers and logistic companies to transform their business by implementing projects with immediate ROIsHave you ever thought of the costs that go into sending those thousands of paper contracts to your customers and suppliers?
- Cost of buying printing papers
- Printing costs
- Scanning cost
- Delivery or mailing cost
- Safe document storage cost
- Cost maintenance of the printer

Our Solution - IDCERT

Frictionless customer experience for online retail
IDcert with biometric verification provides a fast and simple enrollment where verify the customers identity and collect relational data such as their profession or age.

Eletronic Identification
This solution combines a state-of-the-art liveness identification process that allows you to identity your customers and provide them with an electronic identification mechanism that allows their secure authentication on every portal.

Superior fraud protection
Protect your exclusive benefits from non-eligible customers and unauthorized resellers. IDcert’s ’s technology detects fraudulent attempts and abuse to overtake other identity.